Postcards from Mola, Italy 🖼🏰👢

Postcards from Mola

Since its foundation in medieval times it was necessary to protect the town from attacks coming from the sea. Hence the construction, mandated by the King Charles of Anjou, of a castle to fortify the budding fishing port and its population. Such imposing castle could provide defence and deterrence from incursions of pirates and foreign powers. Thanks to this protection the town could grow its activities relating to agricultural production, fishing and trade along the Adriatic coast and towards the Balkans.

With a great variety of good quality of vegetables and seafood produced locally, traditional cooking in Mola has flourished naturally with great attention to simple but tasty preparations that get the best out of local ingredients available according to the season.

One of the main economic activities in Mola has been fishing since immemorabile times. With a safe natural port, then made bigger and more secure for small and medium fishing boats, this small town has developed an expertise in the marine industry, providing seafood to the surrounding areas and seamen to staff ships of all kinds around the world.  

Three hundred years ago a townhouse with a large garden at the border of the little town, built by my family, now a centrally located bed & breakfast to serve the growing tourism and also a venue for concerts and other cultural events. Palazzo Pesce-Martinelli is a cleverly managed old buiding which is put back into use at its best potential.

Postcards from Italy


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