Visual Art ๐Ÿ–ผ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ—ฟ

Visual Art I like

The artistic period I like the most is the Impressionism, which resonates very much with my perception of visual art, along with the use and representation of colour and light. Apart from appreciating the incredible works of art produced during that period, I am also quite interested in the personal stories of the artists that were part of the movement, from Gauguin to Van Gogh, from Monet to Renoir. Undoubtedly topping the list of my favourite painters is Paul Gauguin, with his tormented life as a late painter and his decision to live the last part of his life in the South Pacific. I even followed on his footsteps and went to the Marquesas Islands, during one of my own explorations of French Polynesia, tracing the last stages of his artistic life in the remote islands of Hiva Oa and Nuku Hiva.

The Impressionism is not only a movement of French painters based in Paris at the end of the 19th century. Painters from many countries were attracted to go and live in Paris and disseminate these revolutionary ideas about visual art and painting in other contexts, From Paris waves of artistic innovation spread in many different direction, generating new schools of painting in different countries, as it is the case of Italian impressionists, or preparing the ground for further innovations, what later was called Post-impressionism, or towards the dissolution of the link with the real world, with Abstract paining. It took only few more decades for some other painters, always based in Paris, to focus on art that made of contrasting geometric shapes the source of inspiration of Optical Art.

It gives me gives me a great pleasure to visit art galleries and museums where one can spend time admiring, with a closer look, artworks from that period, from the National Gallery in London to the Musรฉe d’Orsay in Paris and beyond, and get a real feeling of the canvas and the brushstrokes that define the material and the structure of the painting. I have made a selection of my favourite paintings and artistic movements in Chronological order and the Museums I like so you can read more about my preferred artworks.

The National Gallery, London

More recently I have started rediscovering more modern and contemporary art, which is available in abundance all around art galleries, just needs to be selected with some care to identify artists that resonate with my artistic and aesthetic taste.

Visual Art I make

Digital Painting

Last summer, after the discovery of digital colouring on my iPhone, came also the discovery of digital painting, from original subjects or existing digital images and using digital techniques. Up until then I never suspected having skills to produce artworks that were in my mind but had no idea how to translate them on canvas. Digital technology enables the production of artworks effortlessly, without the pain of mastering practical tools like brushes, paints and canvas, which is frankly that is beyond me. I would have never imagined I could create the magic of colours of a sunset by the sea in an impressionist fashion.

Digital colouring 

Last summer I discovered, almost by chance, that I could create some artworks easily just using my IPhone. I immediately and passionately landed in a new world of colours and since then I have been dedicating some time daily to produce some artworks that bring out my creativity and sense of beauty, while relaxing and focusing on something I love. I hope you find my colours interesting too.

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