Short Stories for a Year, by Luigi Pirandello 🖋️ 🇮🇹 🇺🇸

Introduction to Pirandello’s Short Stories: A new English translation published to celebrate his 157th birth anniversary

Luigi Pirandello, the Nobel Prize-winning Italian playwright, novelist, and short story writer, is widely celebrated for his profound exploration of identity, reality, and human psychology. Despite his substantial influence on 20th-century literature and drama, much of his work, especially his short stories, remains underexplored in the English-speaking world. This new translation of a selection of Pirandello’s short stories aims to bridge this gap, offering readers fresh access to the wit, pathos, and philosophical depth that characterize his oeuvre.

Pirandello’s short stories, often overshadowed by his more famous plays such as “Six Characters in Search of an Author” and “Henry IV,” are integral to understanding his literary genius. These stories, which number over 200, provide a rich tapestry of his thoughts on the complexities of human nature, the fluidity of personal identity, and the often ambiguous boundary between reality and illusion. This new translation endeavors to capture the essence of Pirandello’s narrative style, bringing to life his vivid characters and intricate plots for a contemporary audience.

Born in 1867 in Agrigento, Sicily, Pirandello’s early life and experiences deeply influenced his literary works. His keen observations of Sicilian society, with its unique blend of tradition and modernity, often serve as a backdrop for his stories. Pirandello’s exploration of the human condition is universal, yet it is his acute sensitivity to the particularities of Sicilian life that lends his stories a distinctive flavor. This translation retains the cultural nuances and linguistic subtleties that are pivotal to fully appreciating Pirandello’s storytelling.

Central to Pirandello’s short stories is his preoccupation with the concept of identity. He masterfully delves into the fluid and often fragmented nature of the self, a theme that resonates through stories like “The Other Son” and “War.” In “The Other Son,” Pirandello portrays a mother’s shifting perceptions of her children, highlighting the mutable nature of familial relationships and individual identity. “War,” set against the backdrop of World War I, poignantly examines the personal cost of conflict, revealing how extreme circumstances can alter one’s sense of self and reality.

Pirandello’s fascination with the interplay between reality and illusion is another recurring motif in his short stories. In “The Jar,” he uses humor and absurdity to blur the lines between the real and the surreal. The story revolves around a farmer who hires a craftsman to repair a large jar, only for the craftsman to become trapped inside it. Through this seemingly simple narrative, Pirandello explores themes of entrapment and the absurdity of human existence. Similarly, “A Voice” delves into the psychological landscape of its protagonist, blurring the boundary between sanity and madness, reality and perception.

The translation of Pirandello’s short stories into English is a meticulous endeavor, requiring not only linguistic precision but also an appreciation of the cultural and philosophical underpinnings of his work. This collection strives to maintain the integrity of Pirandello’s original prose, preserving his distinctive voice while making his stories accessible to a modern English-speaking audience. The translators have taken care to convey the nuances of Pirandello’s irony, his subtle shifts in tone, and his often complex narrative structures.

Pirandello’s work is marked by its deep empathy and insight into human frailty. His characters, whether they are struggling with societal expectations, personal crises, or existential dilemmas, are rendered with profound psychological realism. This collection includes some of his most poignant and thought-provoking stories, showcasing his ability to illuminate the human experience with both compassion and a critical eye.

A new English translation

In introducing this new translation, we invite readers to immerse themselves in Pirandello’s world, where the ordinary and the extraordinary intertwine, and where every story offers a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of human existence. Whether you are a longtime admirer of Pirandello or a newcomer to his work, these stories promise to engage, challenge, and inspire. Through this translation, we hope to contribute to a greater appreciation of Pirandello’s literary legacy and to spark renewed interest in one of the most enigmatic and insightful writers of the 20th century.

By making these stories available in English for the first time, this collection opens a new window into Pirandello’s artistic vision, offering readers the opportunity to experience the richness and depth of his short fiction. We trust that this translation will not only enhance the understanding of Pirandello’s work but also encourage further exploration of his remarkable contribution to literature.

Step into the captivating world of Luigi Pirandello’s untamed imagination with this new translation of “Short Stories for a Year”, translated by Enzo Martinelli. Pirandello’s unfinished collection of shortstories published by the newspaper Il Corriere della Sera over the period 1922-37 is a treasure trove of little literature gems. As you leaf through the pages of this collection, you’ll find yourself transported to a realm where reality blurs and the human psyche is laid bare. Pirandello, a master of exploring the complexities of existence, leaves behind a legacy of tales that offer insight into the human condition, challenges perceptions, and weaves narratives that linger in the mind long after the last word is read.

In this curated selection of short stories translated into English for the first time, you’ll encounter characters grappling with identity, truth, and the labyrinth of their own minds. Pirandello’s narrative prowess unveils the intricate layers of human emotions and the interplay between appearance and reality. With each story, you’ll navigate the fine line between sanity and madness, certainty and doubt, as you journey through the myriad facets of human experience.

Immerse yourself in tales that are as relevant today as they were when first conceived, transcending time and place to resonate with readers across generations. Join us as we breathe new life into Pirandello’s unfinished masterpiece, inviting you to explore the depths of his creativity and embrace the enigma of the human soul. This selection of stories, published in #ebook format, captures the essence of his storytelling, allowing you to savor every nuance, every twist, and every revelation that Pirandello’s literary universe has to offer.

Ebook with translations in English of a selection of Pirandello’s short stories, by Enzo Martinelli, now available on Amazon

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