Postcards from Calabria 🖼⛪️🥘

Santa Maria dell’Isola, Tropea

Calabria is a region to visit and discover little by little, to grasp its most characteristic and intriguing aspects. I prefer to travel to a place when there are no large tourist flows, to get a better perception of the real pace of life. In this case I was there at the beginning of October, definitely out of season for a seaside place, but still very enjoyable for a pleasant summer temperature and a scarce tourist presence. Even a place of great attraction like Tropea did not have a lot of traffic, despite an enjoyable blues festival with musical groups scattered through the streets of the old town.

Antipasto misto di mare

The passion of Italians for food and good cooking is known, probably because in Italian popular culture, eating well is not only a response to a fundamental need, but an essential element to enjoy life and socialize. The variety of food and cuisines along the peninsula is also the reflection of centuries of refined elaboration with ingredients and preparations from all over the world, harmoniously assimilated in the unique interpretation of taste and flavors of what we now call Italian cuisine. Calabria is no exception to this particular passion for food. The variety of fresh ingredients available all year round, from vegetables to cheeses and an abundance of locally sourced fish and meat, is a guarantee of success with delicious preparations to be enjoyed with homemade recipes or in the many restaurants that continue and develop the great Calabrian tradition for good food.

Although it is early October, the sea in Calabria is still of spectacular beauty and it is possible to enjoy an infinity of beautiful secluded beaches and coves to explore and enjoy in their enchanting and wild charm. Simple but evocative panoramic corners along the sea or an old castle with evident historical stratifications that go back several centuries of history, can become points of cultural interest and exploratory adventures in Calabria. The proverbial hospitality and cordiality of the Calabrians will make these explorations of the Calabrian territory even more pleasant.

Statua A

Calabria has been a focal point of Mediterranean culture since the time of Magna Graecia, well before Roman Empire times. As evidence of the important architectural remains that still dot the territory today and the furnishings collected in the National Museum of Magna Grecia in Reggio Calabria. Jewel of the crown of the museum and now a symbol of Calabria the two full-figure bronzes found in the waters of Riace in 1972. Bronzes of excellent and very rare Greek workmanship from the 5th century BC that have sparked a myriad of hypotheses on their origin, on the identity of the sculptors and the characters depicted. Simply identified as Statue A (the youngest) and Statue B (the oldest), the two statues have now taken on their own specific personality, thanks to their exquisite workmanship. Their undeniable charm is a great attraction for a visit to the Museum and the center of Reggio, rebuilt after the devastating earthquake of 1908.

Postcards from Italy

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