Sergei Prokofiev 🎼🎶🎭

Celebrating the 133rd birth anniversary of Sergei Prokofiev, born in 1891

April 23 marks the birth anniversary of Sergei Prokofiev, one of the most audacious composers of the 20th century. Born in 1891 in Sontsovka, now part of Ukraine, Prokofiev was a musical prodigy whose works span ballet, opera, film, and piano concertos, leaving an indelible mark on the world of classical music. On this occasion, we delve into one of his most intriguing operas, “The Fiery Angel,” exploring its critical landscape and the profound impact it has had on the global stage.

“The Fiery Angel,” Prokofiev’s fifth opera, composed during 1919-1927, stands out as one of his most enigmatic compositions. Based on Valery Bryusov’s novel of the same name, the opera is set in 16th-century Germany and delves into themes of obsession, the supernatural, and the struggle between good and evil. It revolves around Renata, a young woman haunted by her passionate love for the angel Madiel and later, the knight Ruprecht who becomes entwined in her tumultuous quest for spiritual fulfillment.

The Music and Its Narrative

Prokofiev’s score for “The Fiery Angel” is nothing short of a psychological exploration, crafted with dissonant harmonies and a complex orchestral texture that vividly conveys the story’s emotional depth and supernatural themes. The opera remained unperformed during Prokofiev’s lifetime, possibly due to its challenging subject matter and the political climate of the time. It was not until 1954, posthumously, that “The Fiery Angel” was staged in a complete performance at the Venice Festival, directed by Thomas Schippers.

Recordings and Performances

Since its posthumous premiere, “The Fiery Angel” has been recorded and performed by various notable orchestras and opera houses. One of the most critically acclaimed recordings is the one conducted by Valery Gergiev with the Kirov Opera in 1995. Gergiev’s interpretation is particularly praised for its fiery intensity and the orchestra’s masterful handling of Prokofiev’s intricate score.

Another significant recording that stands out is conducted by Neeme Järvi with the Scottish National Orchestra, featuring an emotional depth that uniquely captures the opera’s complex narrative. These recordings have played a crucial role in enhancing the appreciation of Prokofiev’s operatic work and bringing “The Fiery Angel” to a wider audience.


Curtain call for a very recent production of Prokofiev’s Fiery Angel by the Teatro Petruzzelli di Bari

The staging of “The Fiery Angel” poses unique challenges due to its dark themes and the need for intense theatricality. The opera has seen several notable stagings that have been lauded for their innovative approach. A recent memorable production was by the Komische Oper Berlin in 2019, directed by Barrie Kosky, which highlighted the opera’s dramatic and psychological elements through a modernist interpretation.

The New York Metropolitan Opera announced plans for “The Fiery Angel” as part of its 2020-2021 season, directed by Francesca Zambello. This production was highly anticipated as it promised to bring a fresh perspective to Prokofiev’s work, although it was postponed due to the global pandemic.

The recent production of Prokofiev’s “The Fiery Angel” by the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, also staged by the Teatro Petruzzelli of Bari, under the direction of Emma Dante, is a mesmerizing interpretation that skillfully navigates the opera’s complex themes. Dante’s direction brings a fresh perspective to the narrative, delving deep into the psychological intricacies of the characters. The staging is both visually striking and emotionally compelling, with innovative use of set design and loghting, additional actors and dancers to enhance the dramatic tension. The performances by the cast are stellar, capturing the intensity and turmoil of the story with remarkable precision. Overall, Dante’s brilliant direction breathes new life into this timeless opera, making it a must-see for opera enthusiasts and newcomers alike.


On the anniversary of Prokofiev’s birth, “The Fiery Angel” stands as a testament to his genius in melding complex human emotions with musical sophistication. Despite its initial reception and the delay in its staging, the opera has grown in stature and continues to be a compelling work that challenges and mesmerizes audiences worldwide. As we remember Prokofiev today, we celebrate not just his contributions to music but his unyielding spirit of innovation that “The Fiery Angel” so brilliantly exemplifies.

Below is a video with an extract from the recent production by the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma of Prokofiev’s Fiery Angel.

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